Email Database from whois database contains 916.184 email records, with addition information such as name company, domain, phone, address, country,...
Email Databse contains 916.184 email records with full information about the owner, the data is collected from major whois database, lastest update in 2018, contact email of people who own at least one domain name, you can use this trust email list to reach more customers for your services.
File: Email list from Whois database
Size: 178MB
Format: MySQL
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Table Info and Statistics
Field | Records | Percent | Type | Comment |
id | 916.184 | 100% | Identifier | Unique Identifier. |
name | 916.184 | 100% | String | Name of the domain owner |
916.184 | 100% | String | Email of the domain owner | |
company_name | 501.073 | 54.70% | String | Company name the of domain owner |
domains | 916.184 | 100% | String | Domains of the domain owner |
phone | 916.093 | 99.99% | String | Phone contact of the domain owner. |
address | 914.851 | 99.85% | String | Address of the domain owner |
city | 915.603 | 99.94% | String | City of the domain owner |
state | 826.117 | 90.17% | String | State of the domain owner |
country | 915.947 | 99.97% | String | Country of the domain owner |
date_add | 916.184 | 100% | String | Last check date of the record |
You can get this with only: $79 (~0.00008$ per record)
You may need this dataset in other formats. Currently, the database formats that we support are: MySQL, Mongodb, CSV. PLease contact us via email: [email protected] for more detail. Note that an additional fee may apply.